First of all carry minati's last video crossed the 10 million likes mark on youtube and makes the record of highest liked Indian video on the Youtube. But couple of days ago carry takes a pledge on his gaming youtube channel carryislive that if his video will cross the highest liked vine or roast video in the world and make some new records than he will go bald. But later today on may 14 , 2020 tiktoker amir sidhiqui makes a new video on youtube in reply through his team channel named team nawab in which , he started with saying sorry in the refrence of his Instagram igtv video he said that maybe his video spreaded hate and creates problem for his fellow tiktokers and after it maybe just he gives a new angle to tiktokvsyoutube war of cyber bullying
And he also said that his fellow creators are going through rape threats and threats and now they are going through a phase of mental depression. He also started saying that if any roaster is using abusive languages in thier video than its not roasting it is cyberbullying. And he also makes a new war by calling that his fellow tiktokers are being called "Eunuch" in English and "hijras" in south asia according to google , by youtubers in their roast video. And he gives it a new angle by saying that youtubers are not only trolling and roasting but also bullying these kind of peoples and thier community. And at last he also clarifies that tiktokers are going through the stage of mental depression and later he started a new hashtag and initiative against youtubers #amiragainstcyberbullying lets see next what reply youtubers will make in this video of tik toker Amir sidhiqui.
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