The story based on the scam happened in 1992 and revolves around the person who was shown framed or committed crimes in BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE . web series on sonmy liv named SCAM 1992 : THE HARSHAD MEHTA STORY . directed by HANSAL MEHTA based on the book by  SUCHITA DALAL and DEBASHISH BASU . HARSHAD MEHTA was also known as BACHCHAN of BSE and the big bull one of the most profitable broker for investors at one time in the stock market. The story hangs up  between the frauds and scams and the personal life of HARSHAD SHANTILAL MEHTA.  


Played by Pratik Gandhi actor known for loveyatri also was in the lead as HARSHAD SHANTILAL MEHTA , a small middle class man who became one of India’s highest tax payer at once in his time in 90s who use to own imported lexus worth 55 lakh rupees at that time. The scam was sum total of more than 5000 crores .


The journalist who started this all , who want to cover up all the scams happening through Bombay stock exchange by banks and Harshad Mehta . the journalist was played by SHREYA DHANWANTHRY.


This is one of the best web series  made in INDIA as the story , direction , screenplay and acting was one of the top notch in this web series. The media houses has given this several good reviews and some of even given its 4.5 stars in rating.  

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