Pubg was the most in demand game in past 2 years , in
India that demand also changed the YouTube India charts for the world that even
so many gaming channel was opened in India for pubg mobile gaming . the hype
was that good even small youtubers gets there charts and channels burst out of
views . so many views and so many subscribers . gaming channels were grown as
Dynamo gaming , mortal gaming and many other channels like that .
But the question arises that will pubg be able to make
the return like the best ever or it will be at breakdown.
Pubg was banned in india two or three months ago but
the hype was there because pubg gave india a new content at bigger level that
is gaming but it was banned due to india china war at Ladakh border , the hype
was so real that the memes are all over social media , now as pubg mobile is
returning and its official announcement has been made. There are so many chances
of the records will be broken of streaming in all over the country. Pubg mobile
was one of the most downloaded game in the world in mobile streaming with more
than 2+ billion downloads.
Pubg is one of the best games , there is no issue on
that but after pubg mobile so many gaming related people dropped this game and
now other games are being played as fortnite , gta v , and many other games like
them. But there are many less chances of negatives in front of pubg mobile it will brake many records for
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